Three Stages of Money Laundering: Complete eBook

Three Stages of Money Laundering: Complete eBook

We understand that money laundering is a complex process involving multiple stages of routing the illicit funds. These stages make the criminal proceeds appear as if generated from legitimate sources, concealing their true identity or association with criminal activities.

This guide provides you with in-depth insights regarding every money laundering stage. The primary aim is to make everyone familiar with ML stages so that they can detect the red flags involved and combat financial crimes. 

The three stages are as follows:

  • Placement– where the criminals try to introduce their illegal money into the legitimate financial system.
  • Layering– where the illegal money is routed through multiple transactions or accounts to distance the identity of the criminals and the source of the proceeds of crime.
  • Integration– where the illicit funds are put forth for final disposal.

Our common goal is to counter money laundering and terrorist financing. This guide provides insights into:

  1. Assessing the Business Exposure to Money Laundering and Deploying Customized AML Framework
  2. Implementing the Right AML Solution
  3. Adequate AML Governance and Oversight
  4. Imparting AML Training

Three Stages of Money Laundering eBook: Related Resources and Insights

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